Fenstanton Sports Day 5th July 2008 – and Help
We are all really looking forward to the 2008 sports day and hope that it will be just as successful as it was last year. It was great to see everyone enjoying the sports and activities with their friends and families.
As you know we recognise outstanding members of the community by giving them the community award, if you would like to nominate someone please contact the people below.
This year we really need your help.
Please, please, if you are able to help out on sports day can you let myself know or Ron and the Fruit and Veg shop.
We desperately need the following people: - A treasurer - Committee members – to help with the running and organising - Help to set up on the evening of the 4th July and clear up on the 6th July (lifting and carrying mainly) - People to run the stall, between 2 and 4pm on the 5th July.
Just a few hours of your time could really make a difference, so please don’t hesitate to call.
If you can do any of these, please contact Andrea – 494238 or see Ron Jacob.