1st Fenstanton & Hilton Scout Group
2007 – what a year!
As some of you may recall 2007 saw the celebration of the first centenary of Scouting. We took the opportunity to pack in even more fun than usual (including the Beavers travelling around the world in 18 hours at a District Sleepover, Cubs spending a weekend in Great Yarmouth and Scouts spending 10 days on their Norwegian adventure) – for full details simply visit our web site.
Check your 50ps please
During 2007 some of the 50ps minted had the Scout Logo and motto on the reverse. These are only now coming into circulation and there aren’t that many in total. We would be very grateful if everyone could please check any 50ps they have over the next few months and let us have them (we’ll exchange for a non-Scouting one!). We’d like to use them as gifts when we go abroad gain, as a special memento for those we meet, or as small prizes.
Fund Raising
We’d like to thank everyone for their help and support (and money!) at our 2 fundraisers in December. We managed to raise £551 despite the awful weather. This has been spent on items for the Group, including helping towards the cost of some new tents.
Leader update
We are pleased to confirm that Anne-Marie Hindson is joining the Cub Pack – and her daughter Kimberlee has helped her choose her Jungle Book name of “Kaa”. Welcome
We are still keen to find more leaders for all Sections so that we can find room for the 25 youngsters on our waiting lists. So if you’d like to see what Scouting can offer you (new experiences, skills, friends, fun and adventure) please get in touch
Louise Clover Chairman 01480 831715