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A14 Public Meeting - Colin White [FPC Chairman] Reports

Posted: 02/02/2007

Public Meeting - Thursday 25th January 2007

I would like to send a very genuine 'Thank you' to all those members of the public who came to the meeting, it was also nice to know that with regard to the A14 we are all on the same side with one aim, which is saying NO to Blue Route Variation 2.

Personally I also thank those of you who have contacted me since the meeting offering your support and to that end a further meeting is planned for Wednesday night in the school where anybody who wishes to become part of setting up an action group will be welcome. This meeting is planned to establish who is interested and what skills/expertise they can bring to the group. It is hoped that a steering group will be formed from those present at the meeting.

Please may I remind everybody that,
"To do nothing is not an option"

and also

"Don't complain - Campaign"

Thank you,

Colin White
Fenstanton Parish Council



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