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Wind Turbine Planning Application - Galley Hill - AGAIN!

Posted: 29/11/2013

The following letter has been sent to a number of interested parties.


27th November 2013

Dear Sir/Madam

Planning Application Ref. 1301724FUL

Proposal: Siting of a 250 kW wind turbine (27 metre hub height and 42 metre blade tip height)

Location: Galley Hill Farm Cambridge Road Hemingford Grey

My office has received an application for the above, details of which can be inspected during normal hours at the Customer Service Centre, Pathfinder House, St Marys Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3TN.

If you have any questions regarding this proposal, I suggest you telephone the applicable Team Support Officer on Direct Dial 01480388412 as the case officer dealing with the application Mr Gavin Sylvester, is not always in the office. A copy of the application has been sent to the appropriate Parish/Town Council who may also be prepared to make it available for inspection.

The application including documents and plans, should also be available to view from Huntingdonshire District Council's Web site at www.huntsdc.gov.uk/planning (Public Access to information and documents is then available from 'Online Services' in the box on the right hand side of the page). It may take a few days for the documents to appear. It is also possible to submit any comments you care to make direct from this site to this office.

It is possible that during the course of consideration, the application may be found to be invalid, if this happens then the application details will disappear from view from Public Access until such time as the application is made valid. When the application is made valid we will write to you again.

If you wish to make any comments of a planning nature regarding the proposal, they should be sent to me at the above address and reference no later than 18th December 2013. Your comments are not confidential and will be available for anyone to read.

If you do write about this application, I will not acknowledge receipt of your letter unless you ask me to. However, your comments will be taken into account when the decision is reached and if you do write I will let you know the outcome of the application.

Your Town/Parish Council also have three weeks to consider their response to the applications. If you wish them to be aware of your views you will need to contact them direct and meet their deadline for consideration.

In the event of an appeal against the Council's decision or non-determination of this application, the Council will forward a copy of all correspondence from interested parties to both the Planning Inspectorate and the Appellant. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal.

Yours faithfully

Andy Moffat
Planning Service Manager


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