Welcome to news from the official Fenstanton community website


Proceeds Distributed From Jack Dady

Posted: 10/07/2006

A total sum exceeding £5,870 has so far been distributed between the following organisations, in either cash or by way of books donated for sale

- SPECTRUM Magazine
- 1st Fenstanton & Hilton Scout Group
- 2nd Fenstanton Brownies
- Fenstanton Baby & Toddler Group
- Fenstanton Pre-school
- Village Sports
- Fenstanton School Fund
- Parish Church,
- United Reformed Church
- Particular Baptist Chapel.
- The Hinchingbrooke Keyhole Appeal
- Norris Museum

We remain truly indebted to Julie Hogg, for kindly collecting the money from books sold on our behalf in the Post Office during her time with us.

This web site plays its part too, for we get occasional orders from Australia, America, New Zealand and even as far away as Grimsby!



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