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News from Fenstanton Village Hall committee

Posted: 20/11/2009

According to the Trust Deed drawn up for this charity in 1979, Fenstanton Village Hall Trust was set up for the benefit of the residents of Fenstanton for recreational, educational and leisure use ‘with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants’. Now, with the old hall gone, the committee seeks to provide a new hall for this purpose. Land has been made available to us to provide a hall to hold 250 people, tennis courts, bowling green, skateboard park, children’s play area, youth football pitches and a car park, but as it is in the flood plain this has to be approved by the Environment Agency with whom we are currently liaising, before we can even think about applying for planning permission. Then the grant applications and fundraising will begin in earnest!

Meanwhile we continue with our recreational (and fundraising) remit by arranging for a permanent position with an electricity supply for lights for a temporary Christmas tree to be installed near the Clock Tower over the Christmas period. We are grateful to the Parish Council for giving permission for this and for providing some of the funding for this work, the rest being donated by Ladybird Nursery.

Do join us at 6.30pm on Tuesday, 8th December, for the best Christmas illuminations ever at the Clock Tower to be switched on by Father Christmas. The Scouts are selling cards and providing fun, games and refreshments for youngsters and we will be serving mulled wine and mince pies. Cookery books compiled jointly by the Pre-School and the Village Hall Committee and Christmas decorations will be on sale. Father Christmas will hand out the prizes in the Grand Christmas Draw that many of you are supporting and we will end the evening singing carols.

Christmas Draw tickets are on sale at the Post Office, the George, the King Bill and the Retreat and from committee members and Village Hall supporters. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible round the tree at Lighting Up Time on Tuesday, 8th December 2009.

Jane Blunt, Chair


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