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Fenstanton & Hilton Scout Group

Posted: 14/01/2009

1st Fenstanton & Hilton Scout Group

The real truth about Scouting…

Some of you may have heard a recent interview on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, where the presenter asked me “So Louise, do you need to be fit and active to be a scouting adult”? When I had finished laughing (those of you who have met me will know why ) I did manage to say “Well if you could see me sitting here right now you would know the answer to both is no!”

So that led me to think perhaps other people had the “wrong” impression of what kind of person we need to help make the fun happen so I thought I’d try and explain the essential requirements:

 male or female aged 18 or over (no upper limit so you really are never too old)
 any level of fitness from “not a lot” (that will be me then!) to “super fit”
 any level of ability on any topic from “I wouldn’t have a clue how to…..” through to “expert”
 any height, any ethnic origin, any weight, any hair colour (or no hair) any….
 able to offer anything from an hour a year to a few hours a week (could be every week or only every other)

So, in other words, the ideal person to come and help us is you!!!! We have over 20 children we currently don’t have room for so more adults in any Section would be warmly welcomed. Why not contact us today?


We feel it’s really important to try and involve all our youngsters in fundraising, so that they understand you get out of life what you put in. At the end of the day no matter what we spend the money on every single child in our Group benefits in some way – for example even those currently in Beavers will need to sleep in our tents when they become Cubs and later Scouts! We’re sure those who have helped raise money sleep better in those tents knowing they helped pay for them 

Our first event was a stall at the Hilton Christmas Fayre where 4 specially ed Cubs (based on their behaviour and attitude to keeping their Promise) helped for the afternoon. Well done Jamie, Matthew, Adam and Gianni for helping us make £149.55!

Then it was the Christmas Light switch on in Fenstanton, where we made around £85 in just one hour. The combination of our Christmas Post and the stall (despite the awful weather on the day) meant we made about another £225 profit. Thanks to all the families who delivered local post.

The final event was bag packing at Sainsbury’s, where in just 3.5 hours we made £364.12

In case you wonder most of the money will soon be spent… much of it on more equipment such as tents and remaining hi-viz jackets. Thank you to everyone who helped us raise it all, either helping or by coming along 

Louise Clover


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