Beyond Yesterday A History of Fenstanton - Jack Dady | |||||||||||||||||||||
A potted history of the small village of Fenstanton in former Huntingdonshire - the birthplace of John Howland and final resting place of Lancelot "Capability" Brown. A study which can applied generically to illustrate the historical development of most small parishes throughout England. |
The production and printing of this book was wholly subsidised and it is being sold at cost. This is a
not-for-profit exercise where all proceeds from the sale will be distributed to worthy Fenstanton charities and institutions. Unfortunately rising postal charges have yet again reluctantly forced a price increase to cover these additional costs. |
Although the book is sold at cost [and not the RRP of £18.90] postal charges are detering potential purchasers. We have therefore decided to make the book available as a downloadable file, suitable for reading on a Kindle, PC/laptop etc. Please click here for more details. | |||||||||||||||||||||
HISTORY - Earliest Settlements – Prehistoric - Roman - The Dark Ages - The Anglo-Saxons - Fenstanton's Boundary - The Danes - The English - Feudal Manor (1066-1485) - Domesday Book - Lord of the Manor - Courts - Life on the Manor - Fenstanton Fair - The Church - Fenstanton and its Neighbours - Farming And Land Tenure - Survey of Fenstanton 1582 - Land Tenure - Agriculture - Common Land - Enclosures - Enclosures: The 1810 Award - Summary of the Award - Public Drains and Watercourses - Road Repair - Elizabeth I - Elizabeth II - The Village Administration - The Spanish Armada - Visit of Queen Elizabeth - Richard Cox - The Civil War and the Commonwealth - The Poor - The Workhouse - The Parish Constable - Roads - The River - Bygone Posts - Education - Public Services - Water - Street lighting - Post - Bus Service - Parish Council - Lords of Fenstanton - de Gants - Segraves/Norfolks /Berkeleys - Division Of The Mowbray Estates - Spencer Comptons - Earls of Northampton - The Browns - Chantry of St.Mary's, Fenstanton – Burial
CHURCH, CHAPEL, CHARITY - Church of England - Chapel - Rectors & Vicars of Fenstanton - Advowson - Particular Baptists - Henry Denne - Particular Baptist Church - Baptists and Congregationalists - Congregational Ministers - Methodists - Dissenters and the Law - - Charity - Ecclesiastical - Ingle Bequest. - The Town Estates - Joseph Ellis Foundation - Davison Grave Fund - Coote Scholarship Trust - Obsolete Charities
PEOPLE - John Howland - Lancelot 'Capability' Brown - The Behagg Family - Alfred Behagg - Ashley Michael Behagg - The Jacob family - Ron Jacob - Tobias Hardmeat - George Burgess - Rev. George Herbert- Frewer, M.A. - Frank Bond - Thomas Coote - Peter Cowling - Captain Daintree - John Earl - John Hammond - Pet Lilley - Gerty Peet - Jimmy and Gussy Samson - The Wright Ingles - Siddy & Limmy
HAPPY DAYS - Fenstanton Feast - May Day - Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, 1887 - Sports and Flowers
THE LIVING VILLAGE - The Parish Church - The Pubs - The Literary Institute - The Church Centre - The Village Hall - Village Greens - Population - Social Change - Millennium Emblem - Stained Glass Window - Village Sign - The Time Capsule contains - Millennium Celebration 31st December 1999 - The Millennium Hedge Project - Millennium Feast Week - Fenstanton County Primary School - Head teachers - The Fenstanton Witch
FOOTPATHS - Public Roads - Public Footpaths - Private Roads - Additions under the 1949 Act
APPENDICES Trade Directories.
The Will Of Joseph Elles, 1728 Capability Brown's Insurance Policy Glossary Of Mediaeval & Historical Terms English Land Tenure Early Feudal Tenure (1066-1160)
SURNAMES OF PERSONS IN THE BOOK A comprehensive index is provided for the benefit of those with a genealogical interest
Abbess | Abbott | Abdulla Fid AI Nasser | Alcombury | Aldous | Alien | Allen | Allison | Allpress | Alpress | Andersen | Archer | Armes | Armin | Arminian | Armon | Arnsby | Ashton | atte Wade | Aughton | Austin | Avery
Baker | Ballard | Bamburgh | Banson | Barber | Barker | Barnes | Barnett | Barney | Bartholemew | Baskett | Bassett | Bath | Bechgaard | Beck | Bee | Beecham | Behagg | Bell | Bence | Bennett | Bentley | Berkeley | Bertryn | Best | Bewicke | Bilson | Bilton | Birkin | Birtchnell | Blackwell | Blaydes | Blemell | Blench | Blomfield | Bloodworth | Bloom | Blunt | Boddy | Bogart | Bon | Bond | Bone | Boness | Bourdillon | Boyd | Boyes | Brain | Brawn | Brett | Brickwood | Britten | Brooke | Brooks | Brown | Brudenell | Buddle | Bullen | Bulling | Bunting | Burch | Burcham | Burgess | Burn-Murdoch | Burton | Bush | Butler | Buttelee | Byrde | Byson
Calbras | Callendar | Calver | Cameron | Campbell | Cannell | Cannon | Carlyle | Carter | Carton | Cartwright | Cash | Cattell | Chamberlain | Chambers | Chandler | Chapman | Child | Chilery | Churchill | Clark | Clarke | Clayton | Clerk | Clifford | Clifton | Clyfford | Cole | Collison | Come | Compton | Conte | Cook | Cooke | Cooper | Coote | Cordell | Cornwell | Coulson | Cowling | Cox | Crane | Cranford | Creswick | Crissell | Crisswell | Cromwell | Crouch | Curtis | Curwen
Dady | Daintree | Danner | Dantry | Darlow | Darnell | Davis | Davison | Dawson | Day | de Bares | de Bisshopeston | de Bisshopston | de Croft | de Dinarn | de Dodenham | de Drayton | de Hellowye | de la Roche | de Loughtone | de Manny | de Mellour | de Montfort | de Mowbray | de Newenham | de Northwode | de Orion | de Overton | de Pecche | de Sadyngton | de Segrave | de Stanton | de Sulingry | de Sulvii | de Thoerm | de Thornton | de Whittleseye | Deacon | Dear | Denne | Deny | Desborough | Dickson | Dilley | Ding | Dixon | do Gand | do Marlow | Doran | Dring | Duhm | Dyson
Eagle | Earl | Eayre | Edwards | Eley | Elkyn | Elles | Ellis | Emerson | Emery
Favell | Felers | Fendick | Fenton | Fiennes | Films | Fitzpiers | Flack | Fletcher | Ford | Fordham | Forster | Fortescue | Foster | Fowler | Fox | Freeman | Freestone | Frend | Frewer | Fuller | Furniss
Gadesby | Gadsby | Gallbally | Galloway | Gardener | Geesom Ethel | Geeson | Geffrey | Gentry | George | German | Gibson | Giddings | Giddins | Gifford | Giles | Girard | Gone | Goodfellow | Goodridge | Grant | Graves | Gray | Greaves | Green | Grey | Grime | Grimes | Guite | Gunnell | Gurry
Hadfield | Hailey | Hall | Hammond | Hand | Harding | Hardmeat | Hardy | Harlin | Harpall | Harradine | Harris | Harrison | Harrow | Harrup | Hart | Hartley | Harve | Hasilden | Haskins | Haspall | Hastings | Hawkesworth | Hawkins | Haylock Watson | Haynes | Hayslop | Hazlitt | Hedge | Hewlett | Hewlins | Hewson | Hexham | Hicks | Hill | Hingley | Hitch | Hobbs | Hobuldod | Hodge | Hodgson | Hodson | Hoge | Hole | Holland | Holley | Holme | Holmes | Hopkins | Horning | Horsley | Howe | Howell | Howland | Hughes | Hunt | Hurl | Hurst | Hutchinson | Hyde
Ibbot | Ibbott | Ingle | Inskip | Isola
Jackson | Jacob | Jaffrey | James | Jarvis | Jeeves | Johnson | Jones | Joyce | Judson
Kelly | Kemmis | Kershaw | Kiddle | Kidman | King | Kingston | Kirby | Kitchen | Knight | Knights
la Zouche | Lacy | Lamb Ingle | Lambert | Lambertt | Lancaster | Land | Langford | Langley | Larder | Large | Latchfield | Laurie | Lawrie | Lee | Legatt | Leslie | Lewis | Lewis ffytche | Leycester | Lightfoot | Lilley | Lincoln | Lindsey | Lingey | Lingwood | Lipton | Littlestone | Long | Longfellow | Longley | Lovell | Lowry | Luff
MacDonald | Maiden | Maile | Makeham | Male | Mann | Mansfield | Mareschall | Margetts | Marsden | Marsh | Marshall | Marten | Martin | Martyr | Mason | Matthews | May | McIllhagga | Mead | Mence | Metcalfe | Mill | Millard | Milton | Mitchell | Mitham | Mobbs | Molt | Moore | Morecambe | Morgan | Morley | Morrice | Mott | Mottram | Moulds | Mowbray | Mowforth | Munns | Murren | Mustill
Newman | Newsome | Nicholas | Nichols | Nicholson | Nixon | Noble | Norris | Norton
Oakett | Odams | Odharns | Offley | Okested | Oldman | Onions | Orage
Page | Painting | Palgrave | Pallinder | Palmer | Papworth | Parker | Parnell | Parry | Part | Patnnell | Peek | Peet | Peggs | Penton Tilbury | Perceval | Peverell | Phillip | Phillips | Piggolt | Pitfield | Pithers | Plomer | Pmh | Pole | Porter | Potter | Powney | Prentice | Prior | Pulley | Pumfrey | Pygot
Quartos | Quemby | Quick
Radford | Raikes | Randal | Randall | Randyll | Rarvier | Ratcliffe | Redgrave | Reed | Reid | Renande | Rhodes | Rich | Richards | Rignall | Roberts | Robinson | Rochester | Rogerty | Rolls | Romna | Rook | Roosevelt | Roots | Rose | Royds | Royston | Russyngton
Saint | Sampson | Samson | Sanderson | Sandifer | Sansom | Saunders | Scand | Scoffield | Seagrave | Segravc | Segrave | Selby | Semple | Sewell | Shellabear | Sibley | Simcottes | Simmonds | Skeats | Skeftlying | Skinner | Smith | Sneath | Sneth de Aston | Snitch | Sparrow | Spencer | Spendlove | Springben | Stedlad | Stewart | Stilleborn | Stoning | Stow | Stratton | Stringer | Stroud | Stylbaine | Sullivan | Swain | Sweeting
Tack | Tamworth | Tattersal | Tebbutt | Telford | Terry | Thicknesse | Thirlby | Thompson | Thorley | Thorn | Thorp | Thorpe | Tilbury | Tilley | Titmarsh | Tolles | Tolliday | Tomy | Topper | Toseland | Townsend | Trappes | Turner | Turpin | Tyler | Tysoe | Tyson
Underhill | Underwood | Unwin
Wadsworth | Wakefield | Walford | Walker | Wallace | Waller | Wallington | Wallman | Waltman | Walton | Wanneswith | Ward | Watson | Watts | Weginale | Welstead | Wesley | Whitbourn | White | Wickes | Wickham | Wilderspin | Wilkinson | Williamson | Willson | Wilson | Winfrey | Wither | Witherow | Wittey | Wolfe | Woodcock | Woodford | Woodhead | Woods | Wootten | Wright | Wright Ingle
Yelderde | Yokflete